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Benefits of the cactus

Benefits of the cactus

The benefits of cactus for the cactus plant have many benefits, including Desert Pharmacy, because of its high content of chemical compounds and nutrients used in many medical and pharmacological treatments. The pharaohs used this juice to treat dysmenorrhea, soften the intestines, treat wounds, burns, and ulcers.

The benefits of the cactus are as follows: strengthens the immune system because it contains antioxidant compounds and inflammation, and it stimulates the immune system to produce white blood cells that play an important role in the secretion of the prostate.

Andean blood; a strong effect of an anti-inflammatory substance. One of the benefits of the cactus for the immune system is that it protects the body against the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants called oxidative stress because it contains rare compounds called petals and is a rich source.

Promotes the nervous system because it contains minerals and vitamins that promote hormonal balance, which improves and balances the functions of the nervous system. Regulates blood pressure because of its low salt content, especially sodium and potassium.

Protects blood vessels from inflammation and also treats inflamed blood vessels, where areas of inflammation are suitable places for fat accumulation and hardening, and the cactus, in turn, contains cholesterol compounds, and Polyphenols and sugar proteins act as an antioxidant that reduces inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and protects.

Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood because of its fiber content and its sterol compounds, which interact with bile in the small intestine, which lowers triglycerides in the blood and lowers LDL cholesterol. Maintains the liver and strengthens its function: it contains antioxidant flavonoids, which fight free radicals and prevent them from affecting the liver and its functions while facilitating the absorption of fat and relieving the burden.

Treats rheumatism, arthritis and associated pain. It contains dietary fiber and pectin, which reduces the absorption of sugar in the stomach and intestines, thus lowering the blood sugar level. Fiber also gives a feeling of fullness, reducing the proportion of consumed food. Regulate and promote the function of the colon because it contains insoluble dietary fiber, which facilitates the movement of food and their passage in the intestines, and prevents the occurrence of any particular digestive disorder in the colon.

The stomach ulcer is treated because it contains a lot of gum, which helps to balance the acidity of the stomach. Research has shown that cactus can treat stomach ulcers and reduce inflammation. Helps to lose weight indirectly because it contains unfinished dietary fiber, which provides a feeling of fullness and reduces the amount of food consumed. Strengthens the hair and promotes their growth, because they contain amino acids, proteins, iron, many nutrients and vitamins useful for the hair.

It enhances the sexual ability of men because it contains many amino acids, nutrients, vitamins and minerals that improve blood circulation and relax the muscles surrounding the blood vessels that reach the penis. Penis and strengthen his sexual capacity.

It treats the symptoms of alcoholism, such as headaches, nausea, dryness of the mouth and loss of appetite, because it contains chemical compounds produced by a specific protein produced by the liver after the metabolism of alcohol, which relieves the aforementioned symptoms.